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John L. Strauss

John L. Strauss
Born: September 5, 1913 in Harvey, Wells Co, ND.
Died: October 4, 2004 in Lisbon, Ranson Co, ND. View Obituary
Buried: North Dakota Veterans Cemetery, Mandan, Morton Co, ND.
Parents: John Francis Strauss and Mary H. Jenny

Census Records:
  • 1920 Census - Forward Township, Wells Co, ND (Listed as John L., age 6, son of John F. Strauss)
  • 1930 Census - Forward Township, Wells Co, ND (Listed as John L., age 16, son of John F. Strauss)
  • 1940 Census - Harvey, Wells Co, ND (Listed as John Straus, age 26, janitor at St. Aloisius Hospital)
  • 1950 Census - Harvey, Wells Co, ND (Listed as John Strauss, age 36, hired hand of F. J. Graumann)
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