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Florentin Rodenbour

Florentin Rodenbour
Born: March 5, 1865.
Died: April 20, 1937.
Parents: Jean Rodenbour and Marie Florence Fairon
Florentin married Catherine Reding on May 30, 1900 in Feulen, Diekirch, Luxembourg.
Catherine Reding
Born: May 30, 1870 in Beckerich, Redange, Luxembourg.
Died: February 14, 1962 in Nothum, Lac de la Haute-Sûre, Wiltz, Luxembourg.
Children of Catherine and Florentin Reding:
  1. Joseph Theodore Reding was born on April 3, 1901.
  2. Marie Florence Reding was born on December 7, 1902.
  3. Nicolas Joseph Reding was born on June 10, 1904.