Home > John Reischl > Franciska Reischl > John Meller > Hildegard Meller > Living Log In


Born: Private.
Parents: Ambrose S. Lucas and Hildegard Emma Meller
Living married Jerald Dean Longwell.
Jerald Dean Longwell
Born: June 1, 1949 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co, MN.
Died: August 30, 1986 in St. Cloud, Stearns Co, MN. View Obituary
Buried: Assumption Cemetery, St. Cloud, Stearns Co, MN.
Parents: Laverne Elwain Longwell and Viola Meyers
Children of Jerald and Living Longwell:
  1. Living
  2. Living
Living married Living.
Born: Private.
Parents: Private
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