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Audrey Abbie Johnson

Audrey Abbie Johnson
Born: August 16, 1934 in Stearns County, MN.
Died: April 18, 2007 in Modesto, Stanislaus Co, CA.
Buried: St. Paul's Cemetery, Foley, Benton Co, MN.
Parents: Albert Thomas Johnson and Belle Myrtle Keehr
Audrey married Living.
Born: Private.
Parents: Private
Children of Living and Audrey:
  1. Living
  2. Paul Leslie Beehler was born on August 1, 1962.
  3. Daniel Lyndon Beehler was born on January 9, 1964.
  4. Living

Census Records:
  • 1940 Census - St. Cloud, Stearns Co, MN (Listed as Audrey, age 5, daughter of Albert Johnson)
  • 1950 Census - Mayhew Lake Township, Benton Co, MN (Listed as Audrey A., age 15, daughter of Albert T. Johnson)
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