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Bernadine Corona

Bernadine Corona
Born: November 11, 1948 in Bridgeton, Cumberland Co, NJ.
Died: July 23, 2015 in Vineland, Cumberland Co, NJ.
Buried: Cumberland County Veterans Cemetery, Bridgeton, Cumberland Co, NJ.
Parents: James R. Corona and Imogene Virginia Nolan
Bernadine married John Francis Earnest Jr. on October 2, 1971 in Bridgeton, Cumberland Co, NY.
John Francis "Duke" Earnest Jr.
Born: February 13, 1948 in Bridgeton, Cumberland Co, NJ.
Died: December 11, 2019 in Vineland, Cumberland Co, NJ.
Buried: Cumberland County Veterans Cemetery, Bridgeton, Cumberland Co, NJ.
Parents: John Francis Earnest and Rose Marie Dellaquila
Children of John and Bernadine Earnest:
  1. Living
  2. Living

Census Records:
  • 1950 Census - Upper Deerfield Township, Cumberland Co, NJ (Listed as Bernadine J., age 1, daughter of James R. Corona)
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